Our PeopleOur VisionLeading Training Solutions is to be instrumental in teaching Australian managers to be the best leaders in the world and be at the forefront of Worlds Best Practice. We want to make Australian Leaders the one’s that set the industry standards globally.
Evelyn Szumski – Managing Director and FounderEvelyn is a highly experienced Business Management professional with a passion for creating high performing workplaces. Her mission is to ignite peoples’ passion for their careers by empowering them with knowledge and skills that will increase their effectiveness and efficiency.
She has spent more than 20 years working in large corporations developing, training coaching and mentoring staff at all levels. Her start in an evolving communications industry and her gift for dealing with people quickly led to a management career. During this time, she was personally involved in managing many high performing teams of varying ages and backgrounds that were specialist at negotiating various solutions with customers, while also being required to negotiate with high-level customer complaints, Ombudsman, politicians and stakeholders.
Being a specialist in communication and negotiation with a passion for getting the best out of people and showing them how to work together, has made her an expert in employee engagement and working with Diversity as well as dealing with difficult people (both customers and staff) and getting the best possible solution for both. Her work is varied and includes the design, customisation and delivery of business, personal and people management modules. It also includes coaching of managers at various levels.
Evelyn has the extraordinary ability of knowing how to engage and involve all her participants and have fun. Evelyn aspires to see every one of her training participants become effective, valuable and an exceptional asset to themselves and their employer! Understanding that being exceptional doesn’t happen overnight but rather a result of continual learning, implementing and mastering of new skills, she also provides personal one on one coaching to ensure that managers become highly effective leaders that improve and grow any business they are work in.
Evelyn has completed studies in Front Line Management, Harvard Manage Mentor Program, Diploma of Business Administration, Diploma of Management and Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110), Deakin University – Team leader development program just to name a few.
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